Intercollegiate Events Coordinator Found

Harvey Katz has volunteered to plan our monthly intercollegiate alumni cocktail gatherings for the next year, beginning this summer.

The Harvard Club of Northern NV and the Sierra has been planning our monthly cocktail gatherings for the past few years and we would like to transfer that responsibility to representatives from other schools for rotating one-year assignments.

For the next year, Harvey Katz will:

  1. Identify a place for each month’s meeting
  2. Contact the place to be sure they can accommodate our group (12-20 people)
  3. Email our webmaster (by the 15th of each month) to let us know where the next meeting will take place?

Our webmaster will send out the usual twice-monthly email announcements alerting everyone of the location for the next gathering. Messages are currently sent to all alumni around the 20th of each month and again 1-2 days before the second Thursday gathering; this seems to be working well.

If you are able to plan the locations for our May-December (2015) gatherings, please contact

Thank you for your help!