Harvard professor to speak on reinventing the classroom

Please RSVP by June 20! Professor Harry Lewis will speak in Reno on Thursday, June 26, 2014. Topic: Reinventing the Classroom, Rethinking Education. Note location: Bishop Manogue High School chapel.

Professor Harry Lewis will visit us in Reno on Thursday, June 26, 2014, to conduct a talk on reinventing the classroom.

This is a change from our previously-advertised topic, but we are certain that this will be of great interest to our audience.


Reinventing the Classroom, Rethinking Education

The movement of information online challenges the old role of the lecture hall as the place where the learning of the professor is passed on to the students. Students are already voting with their feet, not showing up to class if they can get the same information via the Internet. This challenge is forcing the faculty to rethink how they use classroom time and why they are teaching what they teach. Together with the emergence of mass online education, these developments should cause universities to reflect on the real purposes of undergraduate education, which were never about mere information transfer in the first place.


This intercollegiate event will take place in the chapel at Bishop Manogue Catholic High School, 110 Bishop Manogue Drive, Reno. 

Time:  5:30pm to 7:30pm


$0    Students/new admits/Bishop Manogue faculty and staff

$5    Harvard Club of No. NV and Sierra members with dues current

       $10  All other guests


Cheese/crackers and wine will be provided. 

Please RSVP by June 20, 2014.  Webmaster@HarvardNV.com