Annual Harvard Alumni Meeting Thursday, December 10, 2015

Harvard alumni, please join us for our annual meeting, as required by our by-laws.

Harvard Alumni Annual Meeting

Please join us for our third annual meeting. To encourage attendance, we are holding this meeting just before our monthly inter-collegiate gathering.

Date:  Thursday, December 10, 2015

Place: Intero (65 Foothill Road, Suite 2, Reno); 775-825-1178

Time:  5:00pm to 5:30pm

 Planned agenda:

  1. Progress since last meeting
  2. Finances
  3. Planning for 2016
  4. Election of 2016 Executive Committee
  5. Nametag order
  6. Volunteers needed: photographers, additional webmaster

Harvard alumni are welcome to attend without an RSVP, but if possible, please let us know if you can make it to this meeting.