A recognition of our outstanding local students.
Congratulations to the 2022 Harvard Prize Book Winners
- Lauren Adajar, Davidson Academy
- Gage Krakora, Reno High School
- Kyra Oh, North Tahoe High School
- Darsh Patel, Davidson Academy
- Sean Cagin Uz, Reno High School
Each year, we join other Harvard Clubs around the world in presenting Prize Books to outstanding juniors who display excellence in scholarship and high character as well as achievement in other fields. Although an award does not guarantee entrance to Harvard, the award is a mark of our confidence in these students to be future leaders and important contributors to our communities. Please join us in congratulating this year's recpients at the award and cocktail ceremomy.
Location: Zoom, https://harvard.zoom.us/j/92166599844?pwd=YUhpbThFN0ozVFN6TkUxWjR6MERwQT09
Date: Thursday, May 12
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
If you are curious of which books are awarded or are interested in ordering a book for yourself, contact the Harvard Coop, https://harvardbookprize.thecoop.com/